Sunday, March 13, 2016

Things I Hate #8 - Absolutely Avoid This

And I'm back with another 'Things I Hate'! Laugh, cry, be educated...kinda, explore new...profound depths? Look, I don't know, scroll down and start reading.

1. Top 10 Great Movies that Failed
Hey, off to a great start. Just don't bother to capitalize 'that' in the title. It's not like anyone will notice, or fixate on it like an itch that they are unable to scratch. Nope. Can't think of a single person. *twitch* While I'm nit-picking though, what kind of name is Movieseum? You can't just stick parts of words together and call it a day! That's literally what comedies when they need to come up with a terrible name. It's like if I took a pair of glasses, covered them in glitter, and then called them Spectactacles™ (spec-TAC-ta-culs). That's the same level of effort your site name is on. Now, what was I going to talk about again? Oh, yeah, movies. I'm assuming they mean the movies failed financially, because if they failed in any other way I'm not really sure how they can be 'great'. Also, should I recognize that picture from something? I feel like I'm supposed to recognize that as a specific movie. Anyhow, I'm sure it's harmless click bait but it's not worth your time. Usually articles like those don't even manage to successfully stick to their theme the entire way through. I bet the only real effort put into the article was the title hook.

2. 5 Exercises That Age You FASTER (Avoid #1 at All Costs)
 25 Signs That Your Walls Are Secretly Filled to the Brim With Snakes (#17 is Terrifying)! 11 Dance Moves That Will Spontaneously Eject Bones From Your Body (Absolutely Avoid #3)! See? I can make up nonsense titles too. Exercise isn't going to 'age' you faster. There are lighter exercises and more intense exercises, but regardless getting your heart rate up is generally healthy for you. Now, high impact exercises can do some damage in the long-run but they don't age you. For example, running is hard on your knees so if you do a lot of running you are more likely to develop knee problems. If you exercise by punching walls, suplexing weight bags, or, if you're a complete masochist and practice gymnastics you're probably going to feel it in a few years. With that all I have to say is....Run old man! Run! They'll devour you if they catch you!

3. Maksim Chmerkovskiy and Meryl Davis are Back Together! (PHOTO)
Who are these people and why should I care? No, seriously, I have no freakin' clue who these people are. I'm pretty sure with a name like Maksim I'd know if I'd heard of them. Alright time to break out Google. So...Maksim is apparently a dancing champion and instructor. And Meryl Davis is an ice dancing Olympic gold medalist. Uh...huh. As click bait I have to feel this ad has already failed. Are there enough people out there who know these people, much less care that they are a couple? They sound like interesting people but I still can't see why I should care about their personal lives. In fact, here's how much I care: (PHOTO) 
Okay, no photo, I was lying.

4. 10 Evil People You Won't Believe Existed
This could be a really cool article...if it was hosted on a reputable site. Somehow I don't expect OMGmoments to do a list like this justice, or even check their facts. I suspect a list like this is full of the legends surrounding 'evil' people like Elizabeth Bathory bathing in blood, or Rasputin being a bonafide wizard. OMG! I can't believe people like that existed!Lolololololratchet

5. An Interesting Way to Pay Off Mortgage Faster
Hold up, I'm going to stop you right there. There is nothing interesting about mortgage unless you're a banker. Mortgage is such a boring subject that they threw in a picture of a rainbow coloured house in the hopes that your interest might be piqued. I'd like to point out that too that the picture is pretty much irrelevant. Also a rainbow coloured paint job is probably going to lower your property value. Just sayin'. But that's not what we're hear to discuss, we want to know an interesting way to pay off mortgage faster. What confuses me though is that there is really only one way to pay off mortgage faster and that's by making an extra payment directly to the principle (Zzzzz). So... How else can you pay off a mortgage other than making more money? Out of curiosity I looked up some methods offered by and there were things listed like refinancing to a shorter mortgage (30 years to 15 for example) or making week-based payments which amounts to a couple extra payments a year. So in the end the only way to pay off a mortgage faster is to pay more money. Kinda depressing.

6. Warren Buffet Reveals How Anyone With $40 Could Become a Millionaire
I hate articles like these. Really hate them. They're like the lottery, full of false hope and outlandish promises. I'd like to draw your attention to one word in the article's title though: "Could". Just like you could win the lottery. Just like you could become a movie star. Just like you could become a world class performer. You have to understand one thing though, in all those examples minus the lottery, the people who achieved those goals started young and pursued their goals obsessively, often to the exclusion of many other things, like starting a family. Warren Buffet grew up poor and became obsessed with making money. He dedicated his life to business and finances and pursued his opportunities aggressively. Even if you followed in his foot-steps though no amount of hard work is going to guarantee that you will meet with the same success. It's a long-shot that depends largely on the people you meet and to some degree luck. The implication that Buffet is revealing some secret to making millions is absurd and misleading. 

Well that's all I got, I'll get off my soap box now. Leave me some tasty tasty comments. Let the hate flow through you.